Staying Fit During the Holidays

The holidays can be a tough time to stick to your health goals. Losing weight can feel impossible, and trying to stick to a fitness plan can be extra challenging. Even the most disciplined of people struggle during this time of year. I mean, nobody wants to be the only person who can't have dessert, or is obsessing over calories at Thanksgiving dinner!


While the holidays will look different this year-- with virtual dinners, socially distanced gatherings, and maybe some cancelled plans-- your wellness routine can remain consistent. And you don't need to throw in the towel and wait until New Years to start over. It's possible to enjoy the holidays while focusing on your health.


Here are our 10 tips on how to stay fit (and sane!) through the holidays:


1. Manage expectations.

You won't do everything perfectly. And that's okay! Part of living a healthy life is actually enjoying your life, and the holidays are a time to do just that. Don't put pressure on yourself to stick to a rigid diet, avoid holiday meals, or take on a new workout routine. Seasonal ebbs and flows are completely normal and to be expected. Get rid of your all or nothing mindset and remember it's okay to do things imperfectly.


2. Make a plan. 

Your best defense is a good offense. If you are serious about staying active and on track during the holidays, you need to plan for it. Think about holiday gatherings and events (hopefully virtual!), travel time (hopefully just driving!), and work and plan your workout schedule accordingly. Put it in your calendar, and stick to it.


3. Don't "earn" your food.

There's a common narrative of needing to "earn" your calories during the holidays. Pro tip: You don't. Get rid of the mindset that you only deserve good food if you're able to work it off. You are allowed to enjoy the holidays. Also, to be clear, there is no feasible way to "earn" your holiday food with one workout considering the average holiday meal is around 3,000 calories. You would need to run for about 8 hours to do so! So let the calories happen. One meal won't make or break you.


4. Move more.

Move more during the holiday season. We all need to endorphins and stress relief increased exercise brings, especially during the holidays. And while you may not be able to burn off 3,000 calories in a single day, you can spread the calorie burn out over a month and burn an extra 100 calories a day simply by walking. You don't need to earn your food, but you can sustainably and healthily offset the calories by moving a little more every day.


5. Workout early.

The longer you wait, the more excuses you'll find. This is true in general, and especially during the holidays. The more you eat and drink, the less likely working out becomes. I mean, just imagining going for a run after stuffing yourself with turkey and wine. It's just not likely. Hit the weights early in the day for a higher chance of success.


6. Focus on stretching and meditation.

The holidays can be an emotionally taxing time. Even positive emotions, feelings, and gatherings can feel draining in excess. Take time so slow down and focus on your mental health. Roll out your yoga mat daily to stretch and focus on your breath, even if it's just for 10 minutes a day. 


7. Eat more protein and vegetables.

You're most likely getting enough carbs in your diet, especially during the holidays! Focus on eating more protein before, during, and after a holiday meal. In addition to turkey, put more veggies on your plate. Besides being nutritious, they will fill you up and make you less likely to overeat.


8. Minimize alcohol.

Alcohol high in calories, at 7 calories per gram of alcohol (for reference, carbs have just 4 calories per gram). An easy way to manage your weight through the holidays without restricting food is reducing the amount you drink. Besides weight management, minimizing alcohol will help you sleep better, boost your mood, help with digestion, and give you healthier skin. Besides, most of us could stand to drink a little less. Trust us, your body will thank you. 


9. Practice moderation.

Many people bounce back and forth from one extreme to the other. Not only are extremes not sustainable, they also aren't healthy. Don't restrict anything completely. Allow yourself to have dessert, but also eat some veggies. Give yourself off days, but also make an effort break a sweat more frequently. Don't drive yourself crazy with restrictions. Allow yourself all things in moderation.


10. Focus on maintenance.

The holidays aren't always a great time to try to lose weight or start a new routine. It can feel miserable to diet during the holidays, or be in calorie deficit. That's why we recommend focusing on maintenance, rather than weight loss, during the holidays. It is possible to maintain your progress and still allow yourself to enjoy the holidays. 



It is possible to focus on your health goals and enjoy the holiday season at the same time. It all comes down to balance. Make a plan to move more and think ahead, but manage expectations. This season is a great time to focus on maintaining your progress without making yourself miserable with restrictions.

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Fire + Voice coaches people on-the-go on how to overcome busy days, yo-yo diets, and unsustainable fitness fads in order to stay fit from anywhere in the world-- and live a life of freedom rather than restrictions-- through online personal training, yoga, life coaching, and global retreats. We show our clients how to be fit and free. Most importantly, we give each client the tools they need to reclaim their body and life.