Goal Setting That Works

On average, people who have set fitness goals and given up on them in the past cite three main stumbling blocks that have gotten in the way of their success:

  • 42 percent say it's too difficult to follow a diet or workout regimen

  • 38 percent say it's too hard to get back on track once they fall off

  • 36 percent say it's hard to find time

A few key points surface when looking at these statistics. When it comes to setting goals, a common mistake is to aim for goals that aren’t achievable (“it’s too difficult”), maintainable (“it’s hard to get back on track once they fall off”), or relevant to their life (“it’s hard to find time”). More often than not, if a goal doesn’t check those boxes it will end up cast aside.

So let’s dig a little deeper.

First, a goal must be achievable. Everyone loves a dreamer, but shooting for the stars just isn’t practical for most people. People often think a lofty goal will motivate them to do the work, but the truth is usually the opposite. A goal that is too big is often too difficult to achieve, and the whole thing quickly gets thrown out the window. Excessive soreness, restrictive diets, and overly demanding workouts are all factors that lead to people quitting before they really even get started. It is far more useful to set smaller, more manageable goals that you can achieve relatively quickly— then use that momentum and progress to go further.

Second, a goal must be maintainable. If you can’t maintain your progress, you will eventually fall off and have an even harder time getting back on track. There isn’t much point in reaching a goal if you can’t maintain that goal over an extended period of time. In fact, it does your body harm to swing between drastically different states. Going on a crash diet or exercise program, losing weight, and gaining it all back is too common of a story in the fitness industry. We all know someone who has fallen victim to the yo-yo, and how their body and metabolism is usually worse off than when they started. It would better serve you to evaluate the realistic demands of your life and set a reasonable goal you can commit to for the long-term.

Last, a goal must be relevant to your life. This is the most important component of goal setting. The truth is, motivation comes and goes. When motivation starts to fade, excuses creep in. We’ve all heard the most common ones:

  • “I’m too busy.”

  • “I don’t have the time.”

  • “I’m tired.”

  • “It’s too expensive.”

This is why a goal must connect to a deeper personal purpose. If a goal doesn’t connect to your “why”— your true motivation— there won’t be much keeping you committed when your motivation wavers. Discipline and consistency are required for long term success, and your “why” is what keeps you disciplined and consistent— even when you don’t feel like it. Because when you truly want something, you will always make time for it. It is absolutely vital to identify your “why,” and to base all of your goals around that. Everyone’s “why” is different, but it always has to go beneath the surface. If a goal is based purely in vanity, that most likely won’t be deep enough to keep your head in the game when it gets tough. It’s important to dig deeper.

So what are some achievable, maintainable, and relevant goals you can set?

  • “I will move in some capacity on a daily basis so that I feel better in my body and can move without pain”

  • “I will lose 2% body fat this month and strength train 3x a week so that I feel stronger and more confident.”

  • “I will run my first 5k this summer to prove to myself that I am capable of doing hard things.”

  • “I will eat enough vegetables and protein so that my kids learn how to make healthy food choices.”

  • “I will start my sustainable weight loss journey to take pressure off my joints, lower my blood pressure, and be around for my kids for a long time.”

Those are examples of goals that are highly achievable, easy to maintain and build on, and lay a strong foundation by connecting to your reason “why.”

Set these types of goals and set yourself up for success.

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Fire + Voice coaches people on-the-go on how to overcome busy days, yo-yo diets, and unsustainable fitness fads in order to stay fit from anywhere in the world-- and live a life of freedom rather than restrictions-- through online personal training, yoga, life coaching, and global retreats. We show our clients how to be fit and free. Most importantly, we give each client the tools they need to reclaim their body and life.