Creating Systems for Success

Having goals is a great way to look ahead, plan for success, and keep yourself accountable. Setting SMART goals (ie: goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) is a scientifically proven method for success. However, for many people, goals aren't always enough.


Why does goal-setting fall short? What are goals versus systems? How can we truly create habits that last?


Let's get into it.


Why Goals Fall Short

Goals generally focus on the "macro," or where we want to end up. The problem is, there are so many "micro" obstacles that come up in the short-term that goals don't prepare us for. In the pursuit of our goals, we meet "the resistance," or the battle between short term rewards and long-term rewards. 


Have you ever noticed how falling into negative habits is so much easier than creating positive ones? That's because negative habits often have a short-term reward and a long-term consequence, whereas positive habits have a short-term consequence and a long-term reward.


For example, eating a donut or smoking a cigarette has an immediate reward. We feel good instantaneously; maybe we feel that sugar rush, or a bit of a nicotine buzz. It's only in the long-term that the negative outcomes show up, through things like weight gain or lung diseases, which are easy to forget in the moment.


Positive habits have the challenge of overcoming perceived negative short-term consequences for long-term rewards. For example, hitting the gym might not feel as good as lounging on the couch-- you may be sweaty, sore, and exhausted-- and eating a salad doesn't satisfy our taste-buds the way a burger might. It's only in the long-term that we see the results of our hard work and discipline show up in a strong and healthy body. 


Goals are often well-intentioned, but lack the infrastructure to beat "micro," short-term rewards and be successful long-term.


Goals Vs. Systems

This is where systems come into play. Systems are essentially habits in that they represent the things you do consistently. They are the daily manifestations of your overall goal. Systems step in at the "micro," short term level to help us stay on track toward our "macro" goal. 


Systems can be tied to goals, or exist completely apart from them. A system often starts as something you do in the pursuit of a goal, but becomes a natural part of your routine over time. Say you are already fit and healthy, or have "achieved" that goal. A system focused on wellness is still important to your overall health and happiness, even if unattached from a specific goal. To use a cliche, a system is a lifestyle. It's something you just do.


In his book, "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big," Scott Adams says, 


“A goal is a specific objective that you either achieve or don't sometime in the future. A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of happiness in the long run. If you do something every day, its a system. If you're waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it's a goal."


Systems are highly effective for several reasons:


1. Systems replace motivation with routine.

We all know motivation is fleeting, but when something becomes a routine motivation doesn't really matter. It's just something you do, no matter what. 


2. Systems are constantly rewarding.

If you wake up and haven't reached your weight loss goal yet, you may feel disappointed. But if you get up and go for your daily walk, that's an automatic win for the day, regardless of what the number on the scale is. 


3. Systems help us beat "the resistance."

We talked about "the resistance" above: the battle between short term reward versus long term reward. Systems step in, almost on autopilot, to help us overcome it. While goals are focused on the "macro," or where we want to end up, systems are focused on the "micro," or how we actually get there. Systems help us overcome the tendency to choose short term reward by giving us a system to initiate in the moment.


How to Create Goal-Based Systems

Goals and systems can work together to keep you on track, both in the "micro" and the "macro." So how can we create habits and systems that work for us and lead us to our goals?


1. Have a clear goal in mind.

In the pursuit of systems, some people say goals are useless. We disagree. It's helpful to have a macro focus so that you know where you are headed. This is where SMART goal setting comes into play. Know what your "macro" objective is, and create a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound based around that.


2. Write out your system.

Create a system based around your goal by identifying what repeatable series of tasks you can perform on a daily basis. For example, if you're goal is getting healthy, your daily system could be:

  • waking up at 7am

  • drinking a large glass of water

  • putting on workout clothes immediately

  • getting in your walk/jog/workout (just do it, don't give yourself time to overthink it)

  • drinking a protein shake


3. Know your weaknesses.

We all have triggers and things that cause us to slip. Know what yours are. Sticking with the example above, maybe you know the biggest obstacle to carrying out your system is feeling tired in the morning, and sleeping in instead of working out. List out everything that might get in your way. Be honest about your weaknesses so that you can overcome them.


4. Create a plan to overcome your weaknesses.

Are you staying up too late? Decide on a bed-time and stick to it-- you can even add that to your system! Are you wired when you get into bed? Turn off the TV at least an hour before bed-time. Can you just not pull yourself out of bed when the alarm goes off? Put your alarm in another room to force yourself to get up. Take an active role at the point of most resistance.


5. Just f*cking do it.

This is where a bit of tough love comes in. A system only works if you do it. Make yourself act out your system every day for a whole month, no matter what. Don't create a system that's so complex that you can't stick to it. But whatever system you choose to create, commit to actually doing it. It may be hard at first, but in time it will become second nature.


6. Focus on the long-term.

Systems are meant to stay with us long after a goal is reached. It's not a goal that you check off your to do list and are done with; it's a long term process you're committing to. Lean into the process and take it day by day.



Goals exist in the future, and are something we either accomplish or don't. Systems exist in the here and now, day to day. By creating goal-based systems that you act out every day, we can have a "macro" vision for our life, as well as a "micro" plan for how to get there. 

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Fire + Voice helps people overcome fitness fads and restrictions in order to move well, feel good, and create a sustainable movement routine for life. Through personal training, yoga, and global retreats, you can live fit AND free.